
This is for all you excel lovers. I am starting this blog to help thousands of people who wish to know excel indepth. I always faced this challenge when I started excel reporting 7 years back. Today I head the MIS Reporting Team for a Multinational company. All this in 7 yrs. Imagine I did not know anything of excel 7 yrs back .....Its been a long journey....I want to share my learnings with everyone.Also I want to help others to learn excel and help them excel in life.This blog is aplatform for us to meet and help each other

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Lesson 3.Formatting Spreadsheet Part 1

Have you downloaded the dummy report from the link in the previous post. If not download it right now and save it. In case you face an issue with the link post a comment and I will reload the file for you
Things to remember before we start
  1. Keep the dummy report open while reading this
  2. I will be using cell references to make you learn this. In case of any confusion read the previous posts else post a comment
  3. I am using excel 2003 Spreadsheet to teach this as all of us do not have excel 2007
  4. I will not be able to teach the entire formatting at once so this lesson will be split into various parts
  5. Also there are various shortcuts of formatting. I am not discussing all of them as it may confuse you

Lets start with Part 1

  • When you open the dummy report ( Hereafter referred at DR) you can view various name titles and colours
  • Lets start from the topmost. You will see that the row starts from 14 instead of 1. Its not an error but a way to hide unwanted rows
  • To unhide do CTRL+A then right click on the row and unhide. Or you can click on the point where row 1 and colum 1 meets and then right click on the row and unhide
  • The DR is an classic example of a formatted spreadsheet. I have tried to use as many types as I can in this report
  • Once you did above you will notice that only row were unhided and columns not. Repeat the above procedure and instead of clicking on row do it on column and unhide
  • Now you have a completely shown sheet
  • In columns A,B,C you will send lot of figures which are actually calculations. But while presenting the report I will shown only the output and not calculations
  • You can change the width of a column and height of a row by right cliking on them and changing column width and row height to make your report look better

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