
This is for all you excel lovers. I am starting this blog to help thousands of people who wish to know excel indepth. I always faced this challenge when I started excel reporting 7 years back. Today I head the MIS Reporting Team for a Multinational company. All this in 7 yrs. Imagine I did not know anything of excel 7 yrs back .....Its been a long journey....I want to share my learnings with everyone.Also I want to help others to learn excel and help them excel in life.This blog is aplatform for us to meet and help each other

Friday, November 7, 2008

Lesson 2 Part 1.2 - Browsing through the Worksheet

In this section we will learn to go to different parts of the workbook

  1. To scroll up and down rows of the worksheet by windows, press the Page Up orPage Down or click the blank area above or below the scroll box in the verticalscroll bar.
  2. To scroll left and right columns of the worksheet by windows, click the blank areato the left or right of the scroll box in the horizontal scroll bar.
  3. To quickly scroll through rows or columns of the worksheet, hold down the Shiftkey as you drag the scroll box up or down in the vertical scroll bar, or left and rightin the horizontal scroll bar.
  4. If you use a mouse with a wheel button, scroll up and down the rows of the worksheetby rotating the wheel button forward (to scroll up) and backward (to scrolldown).
  5. If you use a mouse with a wheel button, pan through the rows and columns of theworksheet by clicking the wheel button and then dragging the triangular mousepointer in the direction you want to scroll.
  6. In case you want to go to a specific row and colum eg A65000 then you can use the "GO" Function. We have not started using any functions yet its OK. Press F5 and a box appears. Type A65000 in it and press enter. The cursor will move to that cell -- EASY !!

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