
This is for all you excel lovers. I am starting this blog to help thousands of people who wish to know excel indepth. I always faced this challenge when I started excel reporting 7 years back. Today I head the MIS Reporting Team for a Multinational company. All this in 7 yrs. Imagine I did not know anything of excel 7 yrs back .....Its been a long journey....I want to share my learnings with everyone.Also I want to help others to learn excel and help them excel in life.This blog is aplatform for us to meet and help each other

Monday, November 10, 2008

Lesson 2 Part 1.3 - Using Cntrl and Arrow Keys to move on the worksheet

In this part you can practice moving the cell pointer around a blank worksheet and
between data entries with the Ctrl key and the arrow keys in Sheet1 of Book1. (Excel 2007)

  1. Press Ctrl+→, Ctrl+↓, Ctrl+←, and Ctrl+↑ in succession to jump the cell cursor from one corner to the next of the entire Sheet1 worksheet. The first time you press Ctrl+→, the cell cursor jumps from cell A1 all the way to cell XFD1. When you next press Ctrl+↓, the cursor jumps from cell XFD1 all the way down to cell XFD1048576. When you then press Ctrl+←, the cursor jumps all the way left to cell A1048576, and from there all the way back up to cell A1 when you press Ctrl+↑. All this corner-to-corner jumping happens because there are no occupied cells in a particular direction, so the cursor jumps right to the cell on each border of the worksheet.
  2. Move the cell cursor to cell A18, type Stop, and press Ctrl+Home. Next, press Ctrl+↓.The cell cursor stops in cell A18 rather than A1048576 because A18 is now occupied with the label Stop.
  3. Move the cell cursor to cell AB18, type Stop again, and then press Home. Now, press Ctrl+→.This time, the cell cursor stops in cell AB18 rather than XFD18 because AB18 is now occupied.
    In case your excel version is 2003 the row ranges will be 65536 and colum IV

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