
This is for all you excel lovers. I am starting this blog to help thousands of people who wish to know excel indepth. I always faced this challenge when I started excel reporting 7 years back. Today I head the MIS Reporting Team for a Multinational company. All this in 7 yrs. Imagine I did not know anything of excel 7 yrs back .....Its been a long journey....I want to share my learnings with everyone.Also I want to help others to learn excel and help them excel in life.This blog is aplatform for us to meet and help each other

Friday, December 5, 2008

Lesson 3.Formatting Spreadsheet Part 4

This is the last part of this lesson where we summarise
  • The trick to get a well formatted spreadsheet is try and look
  • Give it a shot and find for yourself
  • Some of theings we studied was how to prepare a dull worksheet to a presentable report
  • Tools like grouping, hiding cells and column, merging cells, filling colurs are some of them
  • Using various colour combination of patterns a lot of life can be put in reports
  • Hiding rows and columns help the user to display only the part which he wants to present
  • Grouping is user friendly eg: A person wants to present regionwise sales he may do so but he can provide a group inside which there would be citywise sales. So if the user wants to know that he may do so by ungrouping them
  • If there are calculation in the spreadsheet which have to be hidden or protected then cell protection is useful as it preserves the report from being changed

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