
This is for all you excel lovers. I am starting this blog to help thousands of people who wish to know excel indepth. I always faced this challenge when I started excel reporting 7 years back. Today I head the MIS Reporting Team for a Multinational company. All this in 7 yrs. Imagine I did not know anything of excel 7 yrs back .....Its been a long journey....I want to share my learnings with everyone.Also I want to help others to learn excel and help them excel in life.This blog is aplatform for us to meet and help each other

Sunday, December 28, 2008

How to write SUM formula

This is one of the most simple excel formula
SUM - used to add numbers
SYNTAX: =SUM(NUMBER1,NUMBER2,.................NUMBERn)
Each number can be specified in cells and in the systax number1 = cell
eg: = sum(A2,B3,D1) will add the numbers in these cells
You can also use combination of numbers annd cells
eg: =SUM(8,C3) will add the number in cell C3 to 8
You can also specify ranges in this formula
eg: =SUM(A6:I6) will add numbers in cells A6,B6,C6,D6,E6,F6,G6 and I6
Now you can use a combination of all above
eg: =SUM(E4:E9,C3,8,H3:I5,2,7)
Here we have added 2 ranges, one cell and 3 numbers.
Such a simple formula with so many combinations possibel makes SUM formula very useful in excel

Monday, December 15, 2008


Thank you everyone for your feedback and ideas. I understand that each the average level of understanding of excel for users is beginners. I am doing a recap of whats done so far and in case have any questions put in your comments or mail me at
  • The best way to learn excel is to open a spreadsheet and do all sorts of experiments
  • Opening a spreadsheet is simple Start-->Run-->Excel {Enter}
  • Spreadsheet generally opens with 3 sheets (TABS). This can be changed in options
  • Depending on the version of excel the number of rows and columns will vary.
  • What you see in the sheet are tiny cells which can be formatted to your need and desire
  • This gives extensive flexibility to excel and one can present reports in varied formats
  • Excel also gives you the flexibility of store huge amount of data. However the file size gets huge and you need a good RAM to work
  • You can learn the tricks of formatting from the previous posts by referring to the dummy report at this link
  • This report will help a lot
  • Excel reportin g is one of the best forms of reporting available which is cheap and does not invlove any major training
  • Other systems like SQL, Access, Oracle etc need a lot of technical training. In future I will give you some hints on SQL. May be I can circulate some ebooks
  • From the next post I will start sharing one formula every two days
  • Please read all the previous posts carefully before going into formulae

Friday, December 5, 2008

Lesson 3.Formatting Spreadsheet Part 4

This is the last part of this lesson where we summarise
  • The trick to get a well formatted spreadsheet is try and look
  • Give it a shot and find for yourself
  • Some of theings we studied was how to prepare a dull worksheet to a presentable report
  • Tools like grouping, hiding cells and column, merging cells, filling colurs are some of them
  • Using various colour combination of patterns a lot of life can be put in reports
  • Hiding rows and columns help the user to display only the part which he wants to present
  • Grouping is user friendly eg: A person wants to present regionwise sales he may do so but he can provide a group inside which there would be citywise sales. So if the user wants to know that he may do so by ungrouping them
  • If there are calculation in the spreadsheet which have to be hidden or protected then cell protection is useful as it preserves the report from being changed