1. COUNTIF: Syntax =countif(range,criteria)
This formula can be used in case you want to count number of specific items in a range For example you have a list of fruits and you want to count of them how many are apples. This formula makes it simple. The formula is countif(Range,"Apples")
In place of Apples one can also specify a cell values. So if you want to know how many ones are there in the range of numbers this formula is easy. Also you can find the count of a specific value in the list to know whether it is distinct or no in the list
Syntax: =sumif(range,criteria,sumrange)
The sum if formula is very useful if you have to add specific values corresponding a particular range. So you have two lists ---in one column you have list of managers(list1) and another number of sales done(list2). Now you have master list of managers and you want to find from the list how many sales did each manager did. The formula and method is easy. =sumif(list1,"manager1",list2)
Try these formula they are simple to use